terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010

Contagem Regressiva

Faltam 115 dias para o casamento!!!!

6 comentários:

The Chan disse...

I love you Gheysa. I wish for you all the happiness in the world. You are so full of love and Thiago is a very lucky man to be able to share in that love. I am also very lucky to have a piece of your heart! I wish desperately that I could be there with ypu, as you start your new life........ to bring you gifts.....to help you move into your apartment..... and to be exposed to your beauty on the day you are married! I am soo sorry that our blessed little Morena will prevent this from being.... but I hope that the gift of a new niece will warm your heart and help you to forgive us! We cannot send Taylor for the wedding..... He is my prince and my precious son.....I hope you will understand why it would be sooo hard for a mother to send her son away to another country where she cannot be there to look after him. I still have dreams that you will come here and spend more time with us. that I can show you the wonderful things of america ..... like you have shown me the wonderful things of Brasil! I hope You and Thiago will consider comming soon......before you have have children of your own, while you have the freedom to explore and adventure! I am so happy that we are family, and that you are my sister, I cry of happiness knowing that you are surrounded with so much love and have chosen someone to share your life with. All of my Kisses and hugs! -----Chandra

Gheysa disse...

Ai Meu Deus!!!
Tô chorando...
Que mensagem + linda!!
Tô tão emocionada!!!
Obrigada Cunhada querida!!
Te amo do fundo do coração..

Gheysa disse...

Pois é.. 115 dias.. nem acredito!!
E a ansiedade só aumentando...
E vcs? Como estão?

Rodrigo Ribeiro disse...

To bem... com um pouco de fome, mas bem!! Obrigado por perguntar!!rsrs

Gheysa disse...

Seu bocó!!!

Aline Mesquita disse...

Até eu chorei com a mensagem da sua cunhada, Gheysa!!!